TBT: Metallica @ Orion Music + More
Yes, this is a Throwback Thursday post on a Wednesday. Why am I posting this early you ask? Well, this morning at 11am tickets went on sale to see Metallica at The Opera House in Toronto.
Yup! You read that correctly. The Opera House! The capacity is only a thousand people... You can't get more intimate with a band like Metallica than this.
It'll be the second time I get to see Metallica on small stage (yes I was one of the lucky humans to successfully purchase a ticket on Ticketmaster). The first time was when I travelled out to Detroit for Metallica's Orion Music + More festival. There was a band on the bill named Dehaan and their time slot was mid-afternoon (noobs).
No one knew who they were or cared. Until it ended up being Metallica.
They performed their debut record Kill 'Em All in full on a small side stage. I was stoked! And also managed to be in the photo pit thinking "I wonder who this band is... OH SHIT!". It was so badass.
Anyways, check out the photo gallery below from that day. I'll be trying to snap some pics of the show next week, so hopefully I'll have some more kickass photos for you soon. Until then... peep the throwbacks.

Words / Photography by: Steve St. Jean