TBT: A Perfect Circle @ Edgefest

Take a trip down memory lane with us. Remember when Edgefest was at Downsview Park and A Perfect Circle performed? That was one of the best Edgefest's I can think of, I still can't believe Edge 102.1 scored APC for the festival.
This was when Beyond The Watch was just beginning, so you can only imagine how stoked I was to be shooting Maynard James Keenan. I still remember how weird he was. He was wearing a wig and didn't move from behind the mic (hiding his face). Before the band was finished playing and off the stage, he was already in a black SUV and driving off the festival grounds by himself. What a dude, such a diva and rightfully so... he's fucking fantastic.
Let's hope Maynard returns to Toronto soon with Tool. I must shoot Tool. Please.
Words / Photography by: Steve St. Jean