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Photos: Title Fight at The Velvet Underground

Kingston, Pennsylvania's Title Fight made their return to Toronto's west end on January 8th performing at The Velvet Underground. The American rock outfit is still touring in support of their last LP Hyperview (via ANTI- Records in 2015) and this will most likely be the last time they play in the city before they head back into the studio to record their follow-up.

The band sounded on-point as usual with some minor sound hiccups nearing the end of their set but the overall vibe of the show was pretty subdued. The venue had a barricade up (a rare sight for such a small venue) and it took away from the night's energy. Small club shows thrive on intimacy with the band and the ability to be one with the act and at times get on stage and stage dive their lives away (especially smaller punk shows). Last night's barricade definitely held die hard fans back from giving it their all and that didn't go unnoticed to the band.

Hopefully, these dudes get back in the studio soon as the fans (myself included) are anxiously awaiting their follow-up to Hyperview and their inevitable return to Toronto to tear it up (hopefully in a lax venue). 

Words / Photography by: Steve St. Jean