The 50 Best Albums of 2017
It’s that time of year again when I sit back, plug in my headphones and dive into all of music that caught my attention throughout the year. It’s no easy feat and usually takes planning and organization so that you don’t forget what albums actually came out (which I fail at miserably year after year).
2017 was a great year for music. I saw myself moving beyond my familiar genres and dipping into new territories. Apps like Apple Music and Spotify help with that as they're endless resources of music to try out and explore. I’ve come to really love streaming music, which is a hard thing to swallow being an avid music buyer in the past and still to this day I buy vinyl. But this year Spotify specifically has really become my goto music listening platform on a daily basis, it’s where I get exposed to everything and find new bands and artists that are similar to artists I already know I like. It’s also nice that they provide you with solid data that gives you a breakdown of everything that you listened to throughout the year. Like how many different artists you listened to, genres, and more. If you're on Spotify and haven’t had the chance to check out all your stats, make sure you do so here:
But enough about my listening habits and geeking out about Spotify data. Let’s get to the goods and find out what I think the best albums of 2017 are. As always I try to be as eclectic as possible with my lists and this year is no different. Albums from all genres are mixed in to make one incredible list of albums that you most definitely should check out. From death metal to indie pop to hip hop, there’s something here for everyone. At the very least, this list gives you a little more insight into the music that gets me going and inspires the work that gets produced on Beyond The Watch.
Check out our 50 Best Albums of 2017 above or click here: BTW's 50 Best of 2017
Words by: Steve St. Jean