Photos: Pallbearer @ Phoenix Concert Theatre

On Wednesday April 8th, American Doom metal band Pallbearer performed at Phoenix Concert Theatre as part of the 2015 Decibel Magazine Tour (w/ Converge & At The Gates). 

There's been a lot of hype surrounding Pallbearer since the release of their last studio record Foundations of Burden (via Profound Lore Records) and it's definitely for a reason – they're a seriously sick band. Unfortunately they were missing their bass player due to our Canadian border, so we didn't get a full taste of what the band has to offer. None the less it was rad and if they can achieve the sound they did without a bass player, I can only imagine what their set sounds like with the full band. I'm stoked on these guys right now and can't wait to see them again the next time they're in Toronto.

Check out the photos above and comment below!

Words / Photography by: Steve St. Jean

Beyond The Watch

Founded in 2011, Beyond The Watch is an independent music media company. We're your go-to resource for Toronto music photography, reviews, news and more.

Photos: Converge @ Phoenix Concert Theatre


Photos: Black Pistol Fire @ Lee's Palace