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Photos: Caspian, Underoath @ Phoenix Concert Theatre

Underoath's reunion tour dubbed the Rebirth, made its way to Toronto's Phoenix Concert Theatre on April 19th, 2016 along with opening act Caspian.

The Massachusetts post-rock outfit Caspian came out with a bang, performing their heavy atmospheric songs in almost complete darkness, allowing the mood and vibes of their music to take over the venue. It sucked for the photographers, but you couldn't deny how fitting the lighting was to their music. By the end of their set, the lights were fluctuating with the music, building in brightness as the songs reached their climatic grooves. It was pretty rad and they're talented dudes. if you haven't heard them before then definitely give these guys a listen

Next up on the bill was the night's main attraction/headliner... Underoath. There's no denying that these guys kill it every time they play Toronto. The second they hit the stage, the energy was uncontrollable. You could tell the band was psyched to be playing, as they were giving it their all with massive strobes of light and such an intense performance. Fans immediately started moshing and screaming every lyric sung by frontman Spencer Chamberlain.

How about that setlist though? They performed both They're Only Chasing Safety (2004) and Define the Great Line (2006) in full. What more could you have asked for really?

This tour was special because Underoath dismantled back in 2012 and embarked on a farewell tour. It seemed like it was the end, but then again these days it seems like it's a common occurrence when bands break up and reunite only five years or so later. Regardless, it was a special enough moment for me to decide that I'd try and shoot their entire set only using film. Crazy right? Analogue photography? So hipster of me. Surprisingly I'm really happy with how they turned out. It was a risky experiment, especially when it was such an important show to document, but I'm stoked that it all worked out. All my concert photos below were shot using my Nikon F100 and Contax T2 on Kodak Porta 400 and Kodak Tri-x 400.

Check em out and let me know what you think in the comments \m/

Words / Photography by: Steve St. Jean